Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Baby is ONE !!!!!

I can't believe Ruby is one. She had her birthday on the 12th of this month. I have been a bit slack blogging lately as my laptop is at the repair shop and our home computer is downstairs and is not as easy for me to sit on for hours, not that I don that. LOL.
Ruby was very impressed by the party food, but not the cake. As she is allergic to eggs,nuts,milk and tomato's I went to great lengths to find a cake receipt. However she much rathered the watermelon.

We just had a small family party for her !! I have to get some of the cake pictures off Alex as I did not take any on my camera.


Cathy said...

What a cute one year old!!
Aunty Taffyxx

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday to your cute little girl,she is gorgeous.